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Installation Game

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Digits is a single player game installation using a multi-touch tablet (iPad) as a controller and a wall projection as a display. The game consists of gaining control of a puppet's movements by manipulating a set of dials corresponding to the puppet's joints.


- Festival Tous Ecrans, 19th Geneva International Film Festival, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2013

- FILE Festival 2013, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, September 13 – October 13

- FILE Festival 2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 22 – September 1st

- FILE CASSINO 2013, Petropolis Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, July 13 – August 25

- PULSE: Art and Technology Festival,
Jepson Center for the Arts, Savannah, GA
January - February 2013


Sound Design: Azniv Korkejian
Documentation: James Allen

Harry Delorme, Timmy Fallin, Marta McWhorter, Telfair's Jepson Center for the Arts

Digits was made possible by generous support from The School of Visual Arts at Penn State University

Made with OpenFrameworks and Box2d